Richmond, Parkshot College: saxophone classes 1989-1993 [Eddie Harvey and David Wickins]
Jazz In Schools – Kent /Sussex /Hampshire 1989-95 [Adrian Kendon]
Access To Music – national projects – Leeds /Portsmouth /London 1989-1994 [John Ridgeon]
Integrated Music Projects – Greenwich /Hackney /Tower Hamlets /Bristol /Norwich /Cambridge [Eddie Parker & Elaine Furness]
Middlesex University sax tutor (1997 – 2001 /2005-2008) [Stuart Hall]
PGCE – Sussex University 2009
Varndean School music teacher and form lead (2010 – 2013)
Chichester College of FE & HE: Course designer & leader, Jazz and
Session Musician Foundation Degree (levels 4 & 5) (2013 – 2020)
Member of lobbying group ‘Jazz In Education’ - 2020
My engagement in education has flowed naturally for me, to and from my music making. I currently assist in the running of The Original UK Jazz Summer School – the same one I supported Dave Wickins in re-booting in Porthcawl (neé ‘Barry’) in 1989-1999, that moved to Glamorgan and then Trinity /Laban, and now has settled again in Wales at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff.
It is also an online jazz school – my classes for which are usually up on the website here,
if not at the summer school website address
‘Improvise First!’ [2019]
.....is a 130-page book, commissioned by East Sussex Music Service in 2019 to identify improvisation’s place in music education, and to effect a culture shift towards its adoption as a core process /technique by music peripatetic and classroom teachers.
It necessarily adopts a contextual approach – persuading (where necessary) those resistant to the idea that improvised music was largely rebooted in C20th Western musical culture, following its two-century redaction by the Georgians and Victorians, and revived by the least accredited and honoured musicians of all: Afro-Americans.
The text leads to example processes, rather than worksheet outcomes, encouraging articulacy with youngsters, composition as a foundational process, and musically instinctual judgements and attractions as starting points for fruitful trail, error, evaluation and improvement in music learning.
The whole Music Department at Chichester College was made redundant in July 2020, so I was able to complete this challenging commission before the end of Lockdown.

You can obtain copies of Improvise First! from me for £25
Just send me an email here
This text has formed the basis of excellent teacher training days – with and without their student cohorts, delivered by Julian in situ.